Wednesday, January 25, 2012

And we're off!

Hi everyone, and welcome to my brand-spanking NEW blog!

As some of you may know, I am notoriously bad at updating my blogs.  In fact, I've HAD two blogs, and neither of them really amounted to anything.  Now it is 2012, and one of my new year's resolutions is to 1. Actually HAVE a blog, and 2.  Actually UPDATE said blog.  At least twice a week is my goal, but as I'm on the computer every day for hours, I have no excuse for not updating more.

In the blog, I would like to talk about things that interest me.  Now, as I am a very, very interesting person, *sarcasm alert* I have many things that interest me.  I go through various obsessions, and you'll probably see me blogging a lot about those obsessions.  Right now my main interest is Jane Austen, so you'll see a multitude of Austen related posts.  I also would like to write reviews of books I'm reading and movies I'm watching.  Another of my resolutions is to read 100 books in a year, so there's 100 books worth of reviews right there.  I'll talk about music, my life, the world, and any random little thought that pops into my head.  And believe me, there are a lot.

So that's what I would like to do with this blog, all the while bringing glory to Jesus, the one who gave me the ability to even sit here in front of my computer screen.  Thank you Lord, may you always be head of my life.

Wish me luck in this blogging endeavor!

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